Can I Play Sports While Wearing My Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign is a great option for those who want to straighten their teeth without the hassle of traditional metal braces. Not only is it more comfortable and discreet, but it also allows you to continue playing sports without worrying about damaging your teeth or braces. While some sports may involve some type of impact or mismatch, they are generally not traumatic enough to cause serious dental damage. When it comes to playing sports with Invisalign aligners, it's important to take the necessary precautions.

My daughter plays basketball and volleyball on Saturdays and she usually leaves her Invisalign aligners on. The gym is already home to a lot of germs and bacteria, so it's best to avoid them getting close to your mouth. Invisalign fits so well that there's little chance that the aligner will fall off if you get hit or hit in sports such as soccer or basketball. If you're considering Invisalign treatment for your teen or preteen, ask them to perform the free smile evaluation.

When doing any activity that could generate some type of intense contact (such as playing soccer or practicing karate), it's important to always wear a mouth guard. If you do a low-impact activity, such as yoga, that doesn't pose a serious risk of suffering a facial injury, you can continue to use the aligner, but it's not necessary, as long as you follow the orthodontist's instructions and wear it 22 hours a day. It's especially important to protect your teeth during Invisalign treatment, as your teeth, gums, and jaws are sensitive to the realignment of Invisalign treatment. When going for a run, playing tennis or attending weekly CrossFit sessions, it's important to remove your Invisalign aligners beforehand.

Be sure to place them in a safe place, such as a plastic cover, and be sure to put them back in your mouth once you've finished your training session. Be sure to perform hygienic maintenance similar to that of the mouthguard and cover that you do with the aligners and the Invisalign case. In conclusion, playing sports while wearing Invisalign aligners is possible if you take the necessary precautions. It's important to wear a mouth guard when doing any activity that could generate some type of intense contact and remove your aligners beforehand when going for a run, playing tennis or attending weekly CrossFit sessions. As long as you make wise choices and follow the orthodontist's instructions, wearing your Invisalign shouldn't affect your daily life in any way.

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